ADVT. For the temporary position of project staff on adhoc basis (26-10-2023)

Applications are invited for engaging temporary positions of Project Staff purely on adhoc basis for a period of six months in Sponsored Research and Consultancy (SRC) Office, IIT Hyderabad for setting up a secretariat for IInvenTive 2024: 2nd edition of R&D Fair.

1. Details of the position/qualification/experience/salary etc:

Position: Senior Project Accountant
Position at: SRC Office
No. of Positions: 1 (One)
Salary: Rs. 40,000-50000 per month (Consolidated) based on the qualification and experience. QUALIFICATION:


  1. Post Graduate in Commerce with minimum of 55 % of marks with an experience of

    1 year.

  2. Good working knowledge of financial software packages like Tally or equivalent

    software, MS Office, Excel, PowerPoint Presentation.


  1. Experience in independently handling books of accounts, correspondence through email, liasoning with vendors, service providers.

  2. Fluency in English, both speaking and writing.

  3. Knowledge of basic Office Procedures.

Name of the position: Project Associate
Position at: SRC Office
No of positions: 01 (One)
Salary: Rs.40000-50000 per month (Consolidated) based on the qualification and experience.



  1. Bachelor’s degree with First class with a relevant experience of at least 1 year.

  2. Good working knowledge of MS Office, Excel, PowerPoint Presentation.

  3. Knowledge of social media handling, e-poster making, flyer design


  1. Post Graduate in Management (Finance or HR) with minimum of 55 % of marks

  2. Fluency in English, both speaking and writing.

  3. Knowledge of basic Office Procedures.

  4. Experience of official correspondence through email, liasoning with vendors,

    service providers, travel agents etc, coordination

  5. Compilation of data, maintenance of google sheets, sharing of data with various

stakeholders, scheduling of various activities.

  1. Tenure: Contract is for a period of 06 months (November 2023 to April 2024). The appointment will be on an ad hoc basis and can be terminated at any time during the contract period with one month’s notice from either side.

  2. Mode of Selection: Due to urgent requirement, the engagement shall be in WALK IN INTERVIEW basis subject to submission of complete CV with copies of certificates and experience certificate (all in single PDF file) through email to : on or before 02.11.2023 (Thursday) by 5.00 PM and attend Walk-in-Interview. No separate communication shall be made for the same. Only those candidates who submitted their CV by 2nd November 2023, 5:00pm will be allowed for the Walk-in interview.

    Date : 03.11.2023 (Friday) Time: 03.00 PM Venue: Room No. 208, 2nd Floor, A-Block, IIT Hyderabad, Kandi, Sangareddy.

    Selected candidate will be informed of their selection through email to the email id provided in CV.

  3. AGE: Not exceeding 45 years as on 31th October, 2023.


  1. a)  Candidates should satisfy themselves of their eligibility, experience, before appearing for the WALK -IN -INTERVIEW.

  2. b)  No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates appearing for the Interview and to the selected candidate to join the post

  3. c)  The appointment shall be purely temporary for a maximum period of 06 months (Six) months. Accordingly, no right/claim whatsoever will confer on the selected candidate(s) for employment in IITH by virtue of the above temporary engagement.

  4. d)  Campus residential accommodation will not be provided for the selected candidate.

  5. e)  The Institute also reserves the right of rejecting any or all the applications without assigning any reasons.

  6. f)  The eligibility of the candidate in terms of qualifications/ experience, etc. shall be considered as on the date of the interview.

  7. g)  Interim correspondence will not be entertained and will not be replied to. Canvassing in any form whether directly or indirectly shall amount to a rejection of candidature.

  8. h)  Educational qualifications prescribed in this advertisement must have been obtained from a recognized Board/Council/University/Institute.

  9. i)  Engagement of the selected candidate(s) will be subject to necessary pre-engagement formalities viz document/certificate/testimonial checking, submission of required document/certificate/testimonial etc.

  10. j)  Candidate(s) working in any organization, if selected, has to submit a release/relieving letter, in original, from the present employer at the time of joining.

  11. k)  No medical facilities, except out-patient treatment during a medical emergency, will be provided by the Institute to the selected candidate. No reimbursement of medical expenses will be admissible to him/her during his/her engagement at the Institute.

  12. l)  In addition to the above, any other terms & conditions/rules ®ulations/policy & procedures of the Institution will also be applicable for the ad hoc engagements as existing from time to time.

Note: Since the requirement is urgent in nature, the selected candidates have to join within a week from the date of offer. No extension of time for reporting is possible.

Sd/ Dean (SRC)